Wednesday, February 06, 2008


So, Lost is back. For those of you in New Zealand, you won't see the episode for another week or so unless you happen to watch it online. If you don't plan to watch it online, though, then it's probably best to give this post a miss unless you want it spoiled.

All I can say is "Wow." What an amazing episode. It was emotional, it was creepy, it was confusing. All things that make up a great episode.

It was Hurley centric, and we find out that Hurley is one of six who have managed to get off the Island via a flashforward. We know that Kate and Jack are also off the Island, so that leaves us with 3 people unaccounted for.

In the flashforward, Hurley keeps on seeing visions of Charlie, and ends up back in a mental institute. While in the institute, he sees Charlie again, who basically gives him the message "They need you," before Hurley makes Charlie disappear. He's also visited by a man calling himself Abbadon asking if "they" are still alive, and by Jack who, while he says is there just to check up on Hurley, seems to have ulterior motives. Hurley, mentions to Jack that he's sorry for going with Locke, and that he should have gone with Jack. He also says that he thinks they (him and Jack) made a mistake, and that he thinks "it wants [them] to go back" to the Island.

So from that, we're introduced to a new character, Matthew Abbadon. Charlie seems to imply that people are still left on the Island, and that they're alive, and in need of help. So Ben's prophesy of everyone dying are false. We also learn that the people who went with Locke aren't necessarily excluded from the Oceanic 6 (Hurley being proof), and we get a brief glimpse that the Oceanic 6 are hiding something from the rest of the world.

Back on the Island, Naomi isn't quite dead as she crawls off into the jungle. Jack is still pissed at Ben and Locke, but is happy that people are coming.
Meanwhile Desmond gives us the Losties at the beach Charlie's message, but they're afraid to radio Jack incase the boat people are listening, so they go trekking to tell him.
Jack takes off to find Naomi with Rousseau and Ben, who unhelpfully neglects to tell Jack that Kate took the satellite phone and is actually off to find Naomi herself.
While trekking, Hurley starts to fall behind, and eventually gets lost and comes upon Jacob's hut. While peeking inside, he sees Christian Shepherd sitting in the rocking chair, just before an eye comes out of nowhere (possibly Jacob's?), causing him to run for help until he came to a clearing where Jacob's hut appears again. He makes it disappear by counting, and encounters Locke.
Kate finds Naomi who's managed to pull herself up a tree and drops in on her. The satellite phone calls and Naomi doesn't tell them about Locke throwing a hunting knife in her back just before she dies.
Hurley and Locke find the rest of the group. The exodus group meet up with the beachies, and then Jack comes and spoils the party by trying to kill Locke. Locke and Jack say there piece, then the voice of reason, Hurley (who ironically enough believes he's going crazy), tells everyone about Charlie's message. And because of that, some people (including Hurley and Sawyer) decide to go with Locke to the Dharma barracks, while the others stick it out with Jack (there it goes again, that theme of there being "Others").
To finish it off, a helicopter (that looks in serious danger of crashing) drops off a dude who asks if Jack is Jack.

And that's it. I really hadn't intended to give a recap, but there you go.

What the hell is Christian Shepherd doing in Jacob's hut?
Why was Locke so close to Jacob's hut?
If Hurley did indeed see Jacob, then is he the chosen one Ben was talking about?
Was Ben talking about a chosen one? (:D)
Why the hell must their only be 8 episodes this season?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anyway, it was a great episode.

And in order to fully appreciate what happened with Hurley and Jacob's hut with Christian Shepherd in it, you need to see the very last mobisode.

Courtesy of DarkUFO.

WTF? Am I right?


cmae said...

Are you sure that was Christian Shepherd? I think it was Jacob. And weird that the guy's name is Abbadon, and "Abaddon" is the name of a demon. My man pointed out from this week's episode that Faraday shares a last name with Michael Faraday, someone who discovered that magnetic fields can affect light waves - and Faraday on Lost said something like the light doesn't scatter quite right on the island. This show has such smart writers.

Apex Zombie said...

Man, I completely missed this comment. Sorry about that!

Yep, it was Christian Shepherd. The give away is the white sneakers. But they've also taken a screenshot and brightened it up and you can see it's Christian Shepherd.

Ah that's interesting about Abbadon and Faraday's names. They do that often. Like, John Locke is named after a philosopher, and I believe another person is as well.