Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gone Phishing

If you have an email address, you've probably had a few emails from scammers. If you believe you haven't, then I'm sorry to inform you that you won't be receiving any money from that Nigerian prince who decided to gift you his inheritance because he heard about your philanthropic nature.

And if you have an email address, then it's likely you've received an email or two from phishers. Phishers send you to phishing sites to get you to give them your personal information. They replicate other big sites, such as banks, ebay, paypal etc, ask you to enter your username and password, and do what they want with the information.

Slashdot had a post about an article over at Help Net Security that interviewed two security researchers who infiltrated the "secret underworld" of phishers and scammers. It's a really interesting read, so I suggest you check it out.


Kim Ayres said...

If I were a Nigerian Prince, I'd be seriously worried about my future - it seems guaranteed that I'll die in some awful accident and my 3rd wife will try and get all my money out of the country by randomly emailing someone.

Maybe if I only married 2 wives I might be safe...

Apex Zombie said...

Haha :D Just double the trouble ;)