Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lost - Midseason Break: Week 3

Well, it's the end of our 3rd week without Lost, most of my withdrawal symptoms are fading, and I'm just generally looking forward to seeing some more Lost.

As of this moment, only 14 more days left to go!

Okay, so I lied, I'm dying for a Lost fix. I'm so tempted to buy the Lost season 3 dvds, but I really want to get them on Blu-ray, and they're not available on Blu-ray over here. So I'm forced to rewatch Season 4 so far, again. Did any of y'all catch the changing machines and the different breathing apparatus of that dude when Michael was in the hospital and he dreamed about Libby? I thought that was strange.

But anyway, not a whole lot of info. According to DarkUFO, there may be another hour of Lost this season! So that takes it from 5 remaining hours to 6!

What are y'all doing to sate your Lost cravings?


word2yomutha said...

by now your lost withdrawals have either subsided or are overwhelmed by the fact that its back tomorrow...I didnt realize NZ was on the same schedule as the US? Maybe you're downloading - I dont know I've only read this one post so far...The season finale will be 2 hours and I believe that due to the writers strike episodes will be added to season 5 & 6. In between season 3 & 4 (the almost year long wait!) I started watching Heroes. Its fantastic. Cheers and happy Lost viewing...

Apex Zombie said...

Haha, they're completely overwhelmed :) And I download the eps. I can't stand being behind on Lost :D

Rachel Snyder said...

I just started watching the show in January, and I have a question: Having survived the loooooong hiatus last year, how did you cope? I need some ideas!