Monday, March 31, 2008

Lost - Midseason Break: Week 2

Read my brief re-cap of the first 8 episodes of Lost's 4th Season.

Hey there Lost fans. Well, we're heading into week 2 of the Midseason Break. As of this moment, there are now only 25 days till Lost returns. There's lots of things you could be doing right now to fill up your new found time (or should that be Lost time?).

You could be watching whatever show is filling that time slot in your area.

You could be playing Lost: Via Domus (DON'T! It's not worth the time or money).

Or you could be doing something awesome like re-watching Lost from Season 1 all the way through to Season 4 Episode 8: Meet Kevin Johnson, having scheduled it all out so that the second that Meet Kevin Johnson finishes Episode 9: The Shape of Things to Come starts!

If you're not awesome enough to do something like that (heck, even I'm not that awesome), then in the meantime you can drop us a comment and let us know one reason why you think Lost is the greatest show of all time. And you DO think Lost is the greatest show of all time... right?!


meredith said...

Well... we have never watched LOST- but you have been talking about it so much that we put it on our queue (sp) on NetFlix. Do you know what NetFlix is? It's an online mail-in DVD rental company. It's insane. For $17 a month, we rent 3 DVD's at a time, unlimited. We have only had it for two months and we have watched Amazing Race 1, Amazing Race 7, Survivor 1, and Numbers seasons 2 and 3. I mean wow. SO... Lost season one is coming up pretty soon on our list. I'll let you know when it starts!!

Apex Zombie said...

Sweet! I'm glad to hear that I've influenced someone into watching Lost! :D

And yep, I've heard of NetFlix. We have a couple of services similar to it over here as well.

I hope you enjoy Lost as much as I have :) And plus Cmae's a fan too!