Valentine's Day. A day where lovers (or, sometimes, friends) exchange gifts to express their love for each other. Just like Christmas. And if you're married with kids, Mothers Day and Fathers Day. And Birthdays. And Easter (kind of). Don't you just love consumerism?

I'm just poking your rib, I'm not really all that cynical about it. There's so much hate in the world, why not celebrate love more often? And you don't HAVE to buy gifts, you can make them. I remember one year I had a valentine, I recorded a CD of myself playing some romantic acoustic songs and made a collage-heart CD cover from different shades of paper of her favourite colour (green). Ah the things we do for love.
What are some of the things you've given a valentine? (Without being too graphic/explicit).
But Valentine's Day doesn't have quite such a romantic history. I'm sure we're all at least partially aware of the
saint for whom this day is named, and his demise (beheading). And in recent history there is the
St. Valentine's Day Massacre in which Al Capone's gang lined up guys from a rival gang (and an innocent bystander) against a wall and gunned them down.
So, if you don't get beheaded or shot, have a happy Valentine's Day, even if you don't have a valentine. If you're cynical about it all, then why not make a donation to a charity?
I HATE Valentines day with an absolute passion! I used to have a friend who has her birthday on February 14th, and every year, all of her friends would go out and make kissy faces with their boyfriends and leave her by herself.
And now, a colleague at work has his birthday on Valentines Day, and he says it's void of everything special, since his fiancee gives him a present, and he's expected to give her a present back. Other stories include where his father would go out to get him a birthday cake, and instead, he would come home with a heart shaped monstrosity with 'Happy Valentines Day' graffitied all over it, since the bakeries had nothing else.
I've never had a boyfriend or anything even remotely close, but if I ever do (note that's a if, not a when - don't you love my self esteem?), celebrating Valentines Day is not on the agenda!
Aw come on! Sure some people feel the sting of Valentine's day, but if you're going to be against one holiday that leaves people feeling bad, you've got to be against all holidays that leave people feeling bad... am I right? ;)
Like I said, you don't have to celebrate it the same way everyone else does. You could make a donation and give someone else a happy valentine's day :)
Now where did this blog come from???
You change blogs more than underwear! lol
Well, there was the post I made back in January on the Log. Then there's that link that's been on the sidebar for almost as long as the Guy has been open. And then there's my profile... So there were signs ;)
Valentine's Day is focused on my daughter's birthday in our house. I never really knew what to do with the day before that, however. I am a romantic, but a cynic too. In fact I wrote a piece a couple of years ago about being a "Cynical Romantic"
While I'm here, I'm glad to see you've put up the Rambling Beard Award - you have to learn to accept compliments, otherwise you end up feeling you never get any.
Also, I love your heart design. Like your Avatar, I'm impressed with your design skills
Ok, so i'm a blind old bat! lol
I thought you had your other blog that you closed. Or is this the same blog?
Kim - I may fall under that cynical romantic title as well... maybe :D
And cheers for that :)
CactusFreek - This is that blog that I closed, yes :)
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