So this is in no way an exclusive, but you have to enter a password to get to the vids over on Wale's blog on Elitaste, so just consider this an easier alternative. These clips are REALLY short as well, only like 5 seconds or so, but they let you know that it's pretty much a recreation of the famous Justice clip. I'll hopefully have to full video when it gets released.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Moonlight Dancing
If you haven't already heard the song, jump on over to PNC's blog (*brand new* ;)) and check out the video for Moonlight.
First off, let me say I'm a big PNC fan. I love his flow, his lyrical ability, and the dude has put out some really solid videos for his singles (though I really wish there was a video for Bomb! One of my favourite tracks). The dude is one of New Zealand's greatest MCs (I'm not going to make a list or anything... or am I?). But even the greatest among us have slipped a few times, and in my opinion (let me stress that I'm just a fat lazy guy with an opinion, so take it for what you will) Moonlight is one of those slips for PNC (and just a slight slip at that).
I'll start with the music. Official, who produced the beat for another of PNC's singles (Just Roll), again is responsible for the beat on Moonlight. Now, I love the beat. There's nothing wrong with the beat. It gives the song an ethereal feel, and it suits the title. The problem with the music comes in at the chorus.
As someone with a myspace account, like everyone else I get random friend requests from music artists who don't quite have the exposure some other artists have. And so it is for that reason I am familiar with Zeisha Fremaux. She's the chick who appears in the chorus. She is one of the problems I personally have with the song. While she has a good voice in that she can sing in tune, and has reasonable tonality, it's just not popping. You can hear in the first few times she sings the chorus that they've either had someone come in and do bg vocals for her as well (or she came in after someone already laid some down), or they messed with her voice a bit and used it as a double for her to add a bit of depth. The only times I enjoy the chorus is when her voice is replaced with a synthesizer. Honestly, I think it would make the track just that much better if they went back and replaced all the choruses with the synthesized version.
See, now that wasn't so bad. I think that's my only real criticism of the music, and it wasn't even PNC's fault :D
Now for the video. Jonathan Gerard takes on the role of director for Moonlight. A member of the Fish'n'Clips team, he's directed a few NZ music videos by bands such as Pluto and The Mint Chicks. I'm not really familiar with his other work, but Moonlight isn't his strongest attempt. (Again, let me frame this by saying this is only my personal opinion.)
The video just isn't that interesting. PNC in a couple different outfits in front of a couple different backgrounds with a couple dancers and some tags? I realise he was probably trying to take a minimalist approach to convey the ethereal, floating feel of the song, but I guess it wasn't quite minimalist enough.
So, to break it down a bit. Why does PNC need to change outfits? There's no reason that I can gather from the song itself. But I suppose this question is connected to the background changes. I just don't see the point. It doesn't seem to connect anything. In fact, in a video that is so minimalist, the changes are distracting and feel disjointed.
I understand the reason for the dancers. The chorus references dancing, and so, we have dancers. I even like the effect used on the dancers. What makes the dancers a bad choice, in my opinion, is the way they're used. They appear sporadically, are dancing in a way that doesn't seem to mirror the song, and unlike PNC and Zeisha actually look at the camera. Like the outfit and background changes, the dancers only serve to make the video feel even more disconnected.
Then there's Zeisha. Unfortunately, direction is her problem. It's obvious she's been told to look at something away from the camera and keep her eye on it, and been told to dance and use her arms. It just looks so... contrived, and so laboured. PNC has the advantage of glasses, whereas Zeisha remains so focussed on this thing off camera that it just makes you think "I wonder what she's looking at?" Like I said, this isn't her problem, Gerard was just unable to think of something less distracting for her.
Another thing is that Zeisha is only placed in the chorus (obviously because she sings it), but is seen at almost no other time, and is never doing anything but that dancing on the spot. Perhaps if she had been imagined as a character for PNC to interact with, she would have fit in better in the video, and perhaps would have made the video as a whole a lot better.
Then there's the tags. The problem with the tags is that there's not enough of them, and they're too static. Some of them are just thrown on the screen and do nothing more than take up space, but some of them are given movement and really emphasise the lyric (for example, "Boom"). Now, the reason why I said there's not enough of them is because a whole video could be made from just these tags alone. Give them some movement, make them come alive, and you could have a great video. But the way they're done here just seems like they were thrown in.
Just as an aside, watch the end of this video (from 2.05min onwards) featuring none other than PNC to see a really creative use of words in a music video. Sure, it's not the same feel, but it gives you an idea.
Okay, so there we have it. My review of the new single and video for PNC, Moonlight. And let me just end it by saying I'm just one guy, and my opinion means squat. I don't mean for PNC, Jonathan Gerard, Zeisha Fremaux or anyone involved in the project to feel bad about it. The fact that you guys made the song and the video is proof enough of your talent and abilities. This is just one guy's opinion, who has no influence whatsoever, and who you'll probably never meet. But then again, if on the off chance you happen to read this and do take my opinion to heart, and can see my point of view on things and understand my criticisms, then I'm glad I was able to help :D
First off, let me say I'm a big PNC fan. I love his flow, his lyrical ability, and the dude has put out some really solid videos for his singles (though I really wish there was a video for Bomb! One of my favourite tracks). The dude is one of New Zealand's greatest MCs (I'm not going to make a list or anything... or am I?). But even the greatest among us have slipped a few times, and in my opinion (let me stress that I'm just a fat lazy guy with an opinion, so take it for what you will) Moonlight is one of those slips for PNC (and just a slight slip at that).
I'll start with the music. Official, who produced the beat for another of PNC's singles (Just Roll), again is responsible for the beat on Moonlight. Now, I love the beat. There's nothing wrong with the beat. It gives the song an ethereal feel, and it suits the title. The problem with the music comes in at the chorus.
As someone with a myspace account, like everyone else I get random friend requests from music artists who don't quite have the exposure some other artists have. And so it is for that reason I am familiar with Zeisha Fremaux. She's the chick who appears in the chorus. She is one of the problems I personally have with the song. While she has a good voice in that she can sing in tune, and has reasonable tonality, it's just not popping. You can hear in the first few times she sings the chorus that they've either had someone come in and do bg vocals for her as well (or she came in after someone already laid some down), or they messed with her voice a bit and used it as a double for her to add a bit of depth. The only times I enjoy the chorus is when her voice is replaced with a synthesizer. Honestly, I think it would make the track just that much better if they went back and replaced all the choruses with the synthesized version.
See, now that wasn't so bad. I think that's my only real criticism of the music, and it wasn't even PNC's fault :D
Now for the video. Jonathan Gerard takes on the role of director for Moonlight. A member of the Fish'n'Clips team, he's directed a few NZ music videos by bands such as Pluto and The Mint Chicks. I'm not really familiar with his other work, but Moonlight isn't his strongest attempt. (Again, let me frame this by saying this is only my personal opinion.)
The video just isn't that interesting. PNC in a couple different outfits in front of a couple different backgrounds with a couple dancers and some tags? I realise he was probably trying to take a minimalist approach to convey the ethereal, floating feel of the song, but I guess it wasn't quite minimalist enough.
So, to break it down a bit. Why does PNC need to change outfits? There's no reason that I can gather from the song itself. But I suppose this question is connected to the background changes. I just don't see the point. It doesn't seem to connect anything. In fact, in a video that is so minimalist, the changes are distracting and feel disjointed.
I understand the reason for the dancers. The chorus references dancing, and so, we have dancers. I even like the effect used on the dancers. What makes the dancers a bad choice, in my opinion, is the way they're used. They appear sporadically, are dancing in a way that doesn't seem to mirror the song, and unlike PNC and Zeisha actually look at the camera. Like the outfit and background changes, the dancers only serve to make the video feel even more disconnected.
Then there's Zeisha. Unfortunately, direction is her problem. It's obvious she's been told to look at something away from the camera and keep her eye on it, and been told to dance and use her arms. It just looks so... contrived, and so laboured. PNC has the advantage of glasses, whereas Zeisha remains so focussed on this thing off camera that it just makes you think "I wonder what she's looking at?" Like I said, this isn't her problem, Gerard was just unable to think of something less distracting for her.
Another thing is that Zeisha is only placed in the chorus (obviously because she sings it), but is seen at almost no other time, and is never doing anything but that dancing on the spot. Perhaps if she had been imagined as a character for PNC to interact with, she would have fit in better in the video, and perhaps would have made the video as a whole a lot better.
Then there's the tags. The problem with the tags is that there's not enough of them, and they're too static. Some of them are just thrown on the screen and do nothing more than take up space, but some of them are given movement and really emphasise the lyric (for example, "Boom"). Now, the reason why I said there's not enough of them is because a whole video could be made from just these tags alone. Give them some movement, make them come alive, and you could have a great video. But the way they're done here just seems like they were thrown in.
Just as an aside, watch the end of this video (from 2.05min onwards) featuring none other than PNC to see a really creative use of words in a music video. Sure, it's not the same feel, but it gives you an idea.
Okay, so there we have it. My review of the new single and video for PNC, Moonlight. And let me just end it by saying I'm just one guy, and my opinion means squat. I don't mean for PNC, Jonathan Gerard, Zeisha Fremaux or anyone involved in the project to feel bad about it. The fact that you guys made the song and the video is proof enough of your talent and abilities. This is just one guy's opinion, who has no influence whatsoever, and who you'll probably never meet. But then again, if on the off chance you happen to read this and do take my opinion to heart, and can see my point of view on things and understand my criticisms, then I'm glad I was able to help :D
Friday, February 22, 2008
John Campbell Going to Jail?
I first saw this story on Apparently Campbell's interview with the medal thief has landed the TV3 news team and Campbell in a bit of hot water. The police questioned them over the identity of the guy, but being professional journalists, they said they won't reveal their sources.
Now, I've been fairly critical of TV3 news and John Campbell in the past, especially John Campbell... the guy just irks me, but I have to say I'm proud of them for sticking to their guns. They struck a deal with the guy to get the story and they stuck to it. I'm actually really surprised at how they did it, because it's fairly ingenious. They taped the interview with the real guy, transcribed it, destroyed the original tape, and then got an actor to read the guy's answers.
This does kind of conflict with my personal sense of morality, because I'm dead-set against thievery/burglary, and I do have a sense of patriotism, so stealing war medals that were awarded to soldiers who fought for our country does sting. Hell, it more than stings. But this is about TV3's choice not to give up a source, and I think that is more important in this case. Now if this guy had committed a violent crime, then I definitely think TV3 would have contacted the police.
So, I know TV3 won't read this, but this is just to show a bit of support. On ya TV3! Now, if you could just fire Campbell and Dobbo, I'd have no qualms with you.
Now, I've been fairly critical of TV3 news and John Campbell in the past, especially John Campbell... the guy just irks me, but I have to say I'm proud of them for sticking to their guns. They struck a deal with the guy to get the story and they stuck to it. I'm actually really surprised at how they did it, because it's fairly ingenious. They taped the interview with the real guy, transcribed it, destroyed the original tape, and then got an actor to read the guy's answers.
This does kind of conflict with my personal sense of morality, because I'm dead-set against thievery/burglary, and I do have a sense of patriotism, so stealing war medals that were awarded to soldiers who fought for our country does sting. Hell, it more than stings. But this is about TV3's choice not to give up a source, and I think that is more important in this case. Now if this guy had committed a violent crime, then I definitely think TV3 would have contacted the police.
So, I know TV3 won't read this, but this is just to show a bit of support. On ya TV3! Now, if you could just fire Campbell and Dobbo, I'd have no qualms with you.
Monday, February 18, 2008
D.Dallas Mixtape - Final Track
I mentioned a little while back about the David Dallas mixtape, The Artist Formerly Known As, and how it was being released a track at a time over on his blog. Well now it has come to an end. The final track, Get Out The Way, is actually an exclusive single from David Dallas's upcoming album Something Awesome, and judging from this track it's safe to predict the album will be Something Awesome (sorry that was cheesy, but listen to the track and tell me that ain't hot!).
In all seriousness, this track is unbelievably hot. The beat is crazy, D.Dallas's flow is crazy, the chorus is catchy. It's just an incredibly good track. Go to D.Dallas's blog to download the track, or if you're lazy, stream it below. This is something you NEED to do. Hurry up.
In all seriousness, this track is unbelievably hot. The beat is crazy, D.Dallas's flow is crazy, the chorus is catchy. It's just an incredibly good track. Go to D.Dallas's blog to download the track, or if you're lazy, stream it below. This is something you NEED to do. Hurry up.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day
Ah, Valentine's Day. A day where lovers (or, sometimes, friends) exchange gifts to express their love for each other. Just like Christmas. And if you're married with kids, Mothers Day and Fathers Day. And Birthdays. And Easter (kind of). Don't you just love consumerism?
I'm just poking your rib, I'm not really all that cynical about it. There's so much hate in the world, why not celebrate love more often? And you don't HAVE to buy gifts, you can make them. I remember one year I had a valentine, I recorded a CD of myself playing some romantic acoustic songs and made a collage-heart CD cover from different shades of paper of her favourite colour (green). Ah the things we do for love. What are some of the things you've given a valentine? (Without being too graphic/explicit).
But Valentine's Day doesn't have quite such a romantic history. I'm sure we're all at least partially aware of the saint for whom this day is named, and his demise (beheading). And in recent history there is the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in which Al Capone's gang lined up guys from a rival gang (and an innocent bystander) against a wall and gunned them down.
So, if you don't get beheaded or shot, have a happy Valentine's Day, even if you don't have a valentine. If you're cynical about it all, then why not make a donation to a charity?

But Valentine's Day doesn't have quite such a romantic history. I'm sure we're all at least partially aware of the saint for whom this day is named, and his demise (beheading). And in recent history there is the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in which Al Capone's gang lined up guys from a rival gang (and an innocent bystander) against a wall and gunned them down.
So, if you don't get beheaded or shot, have a happy Valentine's Day, even if you don't have a valentine. If you're cynical about it all, then why not make a donation to a charity?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Another Reason Not to Join Facebook
A while back, P-Money made a post about Facebook, and it's privacy agreement. Well, if you were looking for another reason to give Facebook a miss, check this piece by the New York Times about trying to leave Facebook (via Slashdot). It actually gives real stories of people trying to delete their accounts and information from Facebook, but not being able to.
I think it all just serves as a warning to be careful about what you sign up to. Be sure to read those privacy and TOS agreements. You might think you don't care about privacy right now, but if/when you do, you'd hate to find yourself in that situation.
If you want a way to completely remove your account (hopefully), try this guide by Steven Mansour. It'll not only instruct you, but it gives a few insights into why it's so hard.
By the way, I know I'm being fairly hypocritical as someone who has Myspace, Bebo, Flickr and Blogger accounts, but you've got to pick and choose your battles ;)
I think it all just serves as a warning to be careful about what you sign up to. Be sure to read those privacy and TOS agreements. You might think you don't care about privacy right now, but if/when you do, you'd hate to find yourself in that situation.
If you want a way to completely remove your account (hopefully), try this guide by Steven Mansour. It'll not only instruct you, but it gives a few insights into why it's so hard.
By the way, I know I'm being fairly hypocritical as someone who has Myspace, Bebo, Flickr and Blogger accounts, but you've got to pick and choose your battles ;)
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Just a test
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Thursday, February 07, 2008
Waitangi Day
Otherwise known as "The Day it's Okay to be Racist."
I'm not going to go into the whole politics of the situation because that's really not my point. I am just completely appalled and frustrated at the amount of racism still in this country. And if I'm being honest, it's not just racism, it's just a general hate that seems to divide this country.
Last night before I went to bed I was listening to Newstalk ZB. It was Bruce Russell's show, and there was a caller on. You could tell from the caller's voice, and what he said, that he was an elderly white man. I'd just turned it on when I heard him talk about the controversy over Maori carrying the Tino Rangatiratanga flag over the Harbour Bridge, but he didn't describe the people as Maori. He didn't even describe them as people. No, what he did was degrade the entire Maori population by calling them "apes". That's right, bloody apes.
Now, I know there is always going to be racism, and racists, so while I was offended by the comment it rolled off the back pretty easily. What really offended me was the fact that an employee of a high-profile, New Zealand radio station wouldn't correct this ignorant man. No, all he had to say was "If you call people apes, you might get compared to a Cricketer." What the hell is that supposed to mean? Yes there's the controversy over racism in Cricket, but that doesn't tell this man that he's wrong to compare Maori to apes. And to top it off, the caller just laughed, and Bruce joined in.
And then on top of all that, I read this over at D.J. Sir-Vere's blog:
I mean what the f***?
So, I just want to send a big
I know it won't do anything, but I don't care.
I'm not going to go into the whole politics of the situation because that's really not my point. I am just completely appalled and frustrated at the amount of racism still in this country. And if I'm being honest, it's not just racism, it's just a general hate that seems to divide this country.
Last night before I went to bed I was listening to Newstalk ZB. It was Bruce Russell's show, and there was a caller on. You could tell from the caller's voice, and what he said, that he was an elderly white man. I'd just turned it on when I heard him talk about the controversy over Maori carrying the Tino Rangatiratanga flag over the Harbour Bridge, but he didn't describe the people as Maori. He didn't even describe them as people. No, what he did was degrade the entire Maori population by calling them "apes". That's right, bloody apes.
Now, I know there is always going to be racism, and racists, so while I was offended by the comment it rolled off the back pretty easily. What really offended me was the fact that an employee of a high-profile, New Zealand radio station wouldn't correct this ignorant man. No, all he had to say was "If you call people apes, you might get compared to a Cricketer." What the hell is that supposed to mean? Yes there's the controversy over racism in Cricket, but that doesn't tell this man that he's wrong to compare Maori to apes. And to top it off, the caller just laughed, and Bruce joined in.
And then on top of all that, I read this over at D.J. Sir-Vere's blog:
Introducing Mr Barry Corbett, a Christchurch councillor who when questioned about the prosecution of Bruce Emery, the 50 year old who stabbed to death 15 year old Pihema Cameron, he said 'If I was on the jury, I'd let him get away with it, but thats me.' It was reported here in the Herald.
I mean what the f***?
So, I just want to send a big
F*** YOU!
to Bruce Russell, his caller, Mr Barry Corbett and Bruce Emery.I know it won't do anything, but I don't care.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
So, Lost is back. For those of you in New Zealand, you won't see the episode for another week or so unless you happen to watch it online. If you don't plan to watch it online, though, then it's probably best to give this post a miss unless you want it spoiled.
All I can say is "Wow." What an amazing episode. It was emotional, it was creepy, it was confusing. All things that make up a great episode.
It was Hurley centric, and we find out that Hurley is one of six who have managed to get off the Island via a flashforward. We know that Kate and Jack are also off the Island, so that leaves us with 3 people unaccounted for.
In the flashforward, Hurley keeps on seeing visions of Charlie, and ends up back in a mental institute. While in the institute, he sees Charlie again, who basically gives him the message "They need you," before Hurley makes Charlie disappear. He's also visited by a man calling himself Abbadon asking if "they" are still alive, and by Jack who, while he says is there just to check up on Hurley, seems to have ulterior motives. Hurley, mentions to Jack that he's sorry for going with Locke, and that he should have gone with Jack. He also says that he thinks they (him and Jack) made a mistake, and that he thinks "it wants [them] to go back" to the Island.
So from that, we're introduced to a new character, Matthew Abbadon. Charlie seems to imply that people are still left on the Island, and that they're alive, and in need of help. So Ben's prophesy of everyone dying are false. We also learn that the people who went with Locke aren't necessarily excluded from the Oceanic 6 (Hurley being proof), and we get a brief glimpse that the Oceanic 6 are hiding something from the rest of the world.
Back on the Island, Naomi isn't quite dead as she crawls off into the jungle. Jack is still pissed at Ben and Locke, but is happy that people are coming.
Meanwhile Desmond gives us the Losties at the beach Charlie's message, but they're afraid to radio Jack incase the boat people are listening, so they go trekking to tell him.
Jack takes off to find Naomi with Rousseau and Ben, who unhelpfully neglects to tell Jack that Kate took the satellite phone and is actually off to find Naomi herself.
While trekking, Hurley starts to fall behind, and eventually gets lost and comes upon Jacob's hut. While peeking inside, he sees Christian Shepherd sitting in the rocking chair, just before an eye comes out of nowhere (possibly Jacob's?), causing him to run for help until he came to a clearing where Jacob's hut appears again. He makes it disappear by counting, and encounters Locke.
Kate finds Naomi who's managed to pull herself up a tree and drops in on her. The satellite phone calls and Naomi doesn't tell them about Locke throwing a hunting knife in her back just before she dies.
Hurley and Locke find the rest of the group. The exodus group meet up with the beachies, and then Jack comes and spoils the party by trying to kill Locke. Locke and Jack say there piece, then the voice of reason, Hurley (who ironically enough believes he's going crazy), tells everyone about Charlie's message. And because of that, some people (including Hurley and Sawyer) decide to go with Locke to the Dharma barracks, while the others stick it out with Jack (there it goes again, that theme of there being "Others").
To finish it off, a helicopter (that looks in serious danger of crashing) drops off a dude who asks if Jack is Jack.
And that's it. I really hadn't intended to give a recap, but there you go.
What the hell is Christian Shepherd doing in Jacob's hut?
Why was Locke so close to Jacob's hut?
If Hurley did indeed see Jacob, then is he the chosen one Ben was talking about?
Was Ben talking about a chosen one? (:D)
Why the hell must their only be 8 episodes this season?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Anyway, it was a great episode.
And in order to fully appreciate what happened with Hurley and Jacob's hut with Christian Shepherd in it, you need to see the very last mobisode.
Courtesy of DarkUFO.
WTF? Am I right?
All I can say is "Wow." What an amazing episode. It was emotional, it was creepy, it was confusing. All things that make up a great episode.
It was Hurley centric, and we find out that Hurley is one of six who have managed to get off the Island via a flashforward. We know that Kate and Jack are also off the Island, so that leaves us with 3 people unaccounted for.
In the flashforward, Hurley keeps on seeing visions of Charlie, and ends up back in a mental institute. While in the institute, he sees Charlie again, who basically gives him the message "They need you," before Hurley makes Charlie disappear. He's also visited by a man calling himself Abbadon asking if "they" are still alive, and by Jack who, while he says is there just to check up on Hurley, seems to have ulterior motives. Hurley, mentions to Jack that he's sorry for going with Locke, and that he should have gone with Jack. He also says that he thinks they (him and Jack) made a mistake, and that he thinks "it wants [them] to go back" to the Island.
So from that, we're introduced to a new character, Matthew Abbadon. Charlie seems to imply that people are still left on the Island, and that they're alive, and in need of help. So Ben's prophesy of everyone dying are false. We also learn that the people who went with Locke aren't necessarily excluded from the Oceanic 6 (Hurley being proof), and we get a brief glimpse that the Oceanic 6 are hiding something from the rest of the world.
Back on the Island, Naomi isn't quite dead as she crawls off into the jungle. Jack is still pissed at Ben and Locke, but is happy that people are coming.
Meanwhile Desmond gives us the Losties at the beach Charlie's message, but they're afraid to radio Jack incase the boat people are listening, so they go trekking to tell him.
Jack takes off to find Naomi with Rousseau and Ben, who unhelpfully neglects to tell Jack that Kate took the satellite phone and is actually off to find Naomi herself.
While trekking, Hurley starts to fall behind, and eventually gets lost and comes upon Jacob's hut. While peeking inside, he sees Christian Shepherd sitting in the rocking chair, just before an eye comes out of nowhere (possibly Jacob's?), causing him to run for help until he came to a clearing where Jacob's hut appears again. He makes it disappear by counting, and encounters Locke.
Kate finds Naomi who's managed to pull herself up a tree and drops in on her. The satellite phone calls and Naomi doesn't tell them about Locke throwing a hunting knife in her back just before she dies.
Hurley and Locke find the rest of the group. The exodus group meet up with the beachies, and then Jack comes and spoils the party by trying to kill Locke. Locke and Jack say there piece, then the voice of reason, Hurley (who ironically enough believes he's going crazy), tells everyone about Charlie's message. And because of that, some people (including Hurley and Sawyer) decide to go with Locke to the Dharma barracks, while the others stick it out with Jack (there it goes again, that theme of there being "Others").
To finish it off, a helicopter (that looks in serious danger of crashing) drops off a dude who asks if Jack is Jack.
And that's it. I really hadn't intended to give a recap, but there you go.
What the hell is Christian Shepherd doing in Jacob's hut?
Why was Locke so close to Jacob's hut?
If Hurley did indeed see Jacob, then is he the chosen one Ben was talking about?
Was Ben talking about a chosen one? (:D)
Why the hell must their only be 8 episodes this season?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Anyway, it was a great episode.
And in order to fully appreciate what happened with Hurley and Jacob's hut with Christian Shepherd in it, you need to see the very last mobisode.
Courtesy of DarkUFO.
WTF? Am I right?
Monday, February 04, 2008
Superbowl XLII Winners: NY Giants
And what a way to win. On the drive that literally defined the whole game, Eli Manning stepped out of his brother's shadow and began his own legend. Breaking out of the grasp of two defenders to throw up a ball that in all honesty looked like it should have been dropped but for the determination of Tyree to hold on to that damn thing. Just one play, but a magnificent play, that led to Eli connecting with Plaxico for the winning touchdown.
But with a glorious win for the Giants comes a crushing defeat for the Patriots. An historical season brought to a bitter end. Throughout the regular season the Patriots dominated most of their opponents, or had things go their way that would really make you think it was their destiny to go 19-0. But while destiny had brought them to the big show, it couldn't win it for them.
Congratulations to the New York Giants, Superbowl Champions, 2008.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
On a Sunday Afternoon
Keeping with the music kick for a bit, I just came across this oldie. I remember listening to this with the cuzzies back when I was a kid. Cruising up north to see the whanau (family) in the back of the van. Stopping off to get some fish and chips for lunch. Some good times.
Friday, February 01, 2008
This is some cool as, trippy stuff. I found this through Fosfor Gadgets, it's this site Nikon has that compares the sizes of various things from the size of the universe to the size of sub-atomic particles. The way they do it, it almost gives you a sense of the infinite. Great descriptions about the various size ranges, very poetic. Give it a look, even a quick one, it's definitely interesting.
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