Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's All About the Music

As the title alludes, this post will be all about music. My music, in fact. This is like a "centralising" post. Er, that doesn't sound quite right. Just basically putting everything in one post, kind of thing. Plus 3 new (kind of) songs!

Okay, so the new stuff first!

This first song expresses my hip hop side. Everyone has their own views about hip hop and rap, so I won't get into that. I just like hip hop. And I've tried a few times to create beats, and raps, though I've usually been unsuccessful with both. I don't rap in this, so be thankful :D This is just a beat I made when I got inspired by the sample that you hear in the song. I was playing a flash game, and when you went into this place, it had this Jewish sounding song in the background. I recorded it, chopped it up, grabbed a drum loop, synced up the sample with the drums, and this is what came out. I remember it being really hard to get the sample to sync. I had no idea what the bpm was, and I have no sequencer or anything, so I had to get creative in chopping the sample to sync it up. Anyway, here it is (I call it Jewish Hip Hop :D):

This next one is the original Lost Experience song. I mentioned before about an orangutan named Joop, and the song I wrote about him. Well this is it. The thing to remember about all the Lost Experience songs, they were written to be funny, in both a subtle and an obvious way. Kind of making fun of their genres, of things written before them that may sound similar. For example, this is a protest song about experiments done on a fictional animal. Cheesy talking at the end of the song :D Anyway, here it is, Hold On Joop:

And this is the second Lost Experience song, and last of the new stuff. This is a love song to the protagonist, Rachel Blake. I believe at the time of Hold On Joop, we hadn't seen who our heroine was, but eventually she was revealed to be Jamie Silberhartz (who is a bit of a hottie), and a lot of guys developed geek crushes on Rachel. This was a tribute to that, and really to all geek crushes on fictional characters. This is one of my favourite songs as it contains one of my best solos (in my humble opinion ;)). It comes inbetween the second and third verses, and is pretty understated. It's just a short little thing, but whenever I hear it, it just makes me feel good that I wrote that. Cheesy talking at both the beginning and end of the song. Anyway, here it is, Song for Rachel:

Fragmented Games. Posted in the previous post. Third Lost Experience song.

Acoustical Niceness. Originally posted here.

And then we have Something (with lead guitar) that I posted about here.


meredith said...

Jewish Hip hop -- I could totally see Weird Al having fun with this one -- you know, reminiscent of "Amish Paradise" ? It's really cute.

Hold On Joop -- thank you so much for mentioning that the Lost Experience songs are SUPPOSED to be funny, because I was laughing when I listened to "fragmented games" the first time. I almost wrote that in my reply, but then I realized maybe it was SERIOUS, and not funny.. lol I liked it a lot.

Song for Rachel... I loved the rhythmic feel -- the chords kept me guessing, which is always cool.
Loved the solo...

I couldn't load Acoustical Niceness and I have tried about 37 times. :(

Something -- OMG I love it I love it I love it. I could hear smooth vocal lines all the way through ... but that might have been because I was singing along... LOL Soulful.. I loved it!

meredith said...

I tried again, and it worked! It was so great... Have you ever heard the duo "acoustic alchemy"? I love their stuff.. .I bet you would too... That's what it reminded me of.
Thank you so much for sharing your music!

Apex Zombie said...

Wow! Lots of comments :D

You know, I'd never even considered Weird Al, but you're probably right :D

I should have mentioned that before about the Lost Experience songs. Glad you enjoyed them :)

I'm glad you liked Something with lead guitar. It's another one of my favourites. It's intended to have vocals, but I never got around to writing lyrics. I wrote some for the chorus, but they really don't reflect where I am right now.

I've never heard of Acoustic Alchemy, but I'll see if I can check them out.

And no worries, thanks for listening :)

andsi2 said...

something is really nice. Andy