Friday, February 22, 2008

John Campbell Going to Jail?

I first saw this story on Apparently Campbell's interview with the medal thief has landed the TV3 news team and Campbell in a bit of hot water. The police questioned them over the identity of the guy, but being professional journalists, they said they won't reveal their sources.

Now, I've been fairly critical of TV3 news and John Campbell in the past, especially John Campbell... the guy just irks me, but I have to say I'm proud of them for sticking to their guns. They struck a deal with the guy to get the story and they stuck to it. I'm actually really surprised at how they did it, because it's fairly ingenious. They taped the interview with the real guy, transcribed it, destroyed the original tape, and then got an actor to read the guy's answers.

This does kind of conflict with my personal sense of morality, because I'm dead-set against thievery/burglary, and I do have a sense of patriotism, so stealing war medals that were awarded to soldiers who fought for our country does sting. Hell, it more than stings. But this is about TV3's choice not to give up a source, and I think that is more important in this case. Now if this guy had committed a violent crime, then I definitely think TV3 would have contacted the police.

So, I know TV3 won't read this, but this is just to show a bit of support. On ya TV3! Now, if you could just fire Campbell and Dobbo, I'd have no qualms with you.

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